Mochachino Butter is our own unique blend of Pure Cocoa Butter and Coffee Bean Butter. The combination of coffee and chocolate was a natural choice, due to the heavenly aroma that results from it. What's more exciting is the blending of Cocoa Butter's intensive moisturizing ability with Coffee Bean Butter's wealth of antioxidant and sun protection benefits. The resulting butter smells delicious and is great for your skin, a healthful indulgence for mocha lovers.
Mochacchino Butter has a soft creamy consistency and makes a luxurious addition to creams, lotions, soaps, lip balms and bath melts. While this butter's fantastic aroma will not survive cold process soap making, or other complex processes, it can add a natural scent to simpler creations. In balm formulations, for instance, Mochacchino Butter can lend a delicious aroma without the addition of synthetic fragrances. Try adding it to bath melts, body butters, and massage bars.
Sounds delicious!
You are absolutely right, Mochacchino Butter smells so delicious it is hard not to take a bite!