Grape Seed Oil is a classic skin care ingredient. Its ability to moisturize and nourish the skin makes it a favorite for use in natural soaps, lotions, creams, and massage blends. Unfortunately, most Grape Seed Oils are solvent extracted. This method of extraction can sometimes leave solvent residue in products such as natural oils, making them unattractive to purists. We are thrilled to announce the addition of a Cold Pressed and Certified Organic Grape Seed Oil. This special Grape Seed Oil has been carefully extracted without being overheated or introduced to solvents. Organic Grape Seed Oil makes a wonderful addition to high end skin products including serums, hair conditioners, and body oils.
Grapeseed oil also makes a wonderful hot oil hair treatment.
Hi Kate. Thanks for the tip! Grapeseed Oil is really a very versatile ingredient that can be used for almost any skin care purpose.