I spent this weekend attending a family wedding. Being a traditional affair, the bride was accompanied by bridesmaids, groomsmen, ring bearers, and a long flowing train of tulle. Jennifer, the bride, wore a carefully detailed gown, handpicked jewelry, but most importantly, a glow of joy. While her hair was meticulously styled, her makeup expertly applied, and her gown perfectly fitted, it was her beaming happiness that made her one of the most beautiful brides I’ve ever seen.
We discuss beauty a lot on this blog. We invent recipes and techniques that are meant to primp and pamper us, but I think it’s important to mention once in a while that true beauty has a lot to do with attitude, health, and emotional well-being. There is no serum, potion, or magic recipe that can compare with the natural glow of happiness and self confidence. This is why the smile and effortless charm of a self assured woman can light up a room, no matter her age. So next time you pamper yourself with your favorite home spa recipe make sure that you do so with a self loving attitude. Take care of your body because you love it, not because you are desperate to change it. When you apply your makeup, try enhancing the features you love instead of trying to hide the features that you are dissatisfied with. Most importantly, try to remember what you love about yourself, inside and out, every time you look in the mirror.
Keeping your skin, hair, and body healthy and beautiful is a lifetime endeavor. As is the nature of life, this journey will have high points and low points, but no matter where you are, it will always be important to love and appreciate the body you have right now. While scrubs, facials, and creams will always have their place in my skin and body care routine, I have found that self-affirmation may be the most powerful home spa treatment of all.
Click here to see the incredible wedding photos taken by Carla Ten Eyck.
That is the best advice I have ever heard 🙂 Thanks Emmy! I am in 100% agreement.
I could tell you were a self affirmed lady! By the way, your snow angel is adorable!
I couldn’t agree more – what a GREAT post! It can be a bit frustrating, at times, going through “Mini-Paws” (as I call it), but having a good attitude about yourself can really help.
And, having a supportive husband who loves me “just the way I am”, helps a lot, too!
: – )
It sounds like you have a great attitude AND a great support system. That is a winning combination!
Another extremely effective way to use affirmations to boost your self esteem is by listening to audio’s that are infused with binaural beats that
change the state of your brain, that is, they allow you to go to the alpha state or theta state where your brain is more easily changed and can learn better and faster that normal.
Here are some very easy and fun affirmations to start with. Say them out loud with enthusiasm and a smile on your face:
I live myself, I like myself, I like myself
I’m a wonderful person, I’m a wonderful person, I’m a wonderful person.
I’m truly smart! I’m truly smart! I’m truly smart!
Everyday in every way I get better and better.
I have fun and enjoy every day.