I have a hard time keeping my salt and sugar scrubs from separating. Do you have any advice on this? ~Tracey
Hi Tracey,
When you say that your scrubs are separating, do you mean that the salt
is separating from the oil? If so, that is totally normal for a scrub
that doesn't contain an emulsifier. If you are looking for a scrub that
will keep a uniformed texture longer, try adding a Castile Soap or a Shower Gel Base to your scrub, along with the Oil. I have found that
this creates a fluffier, more evenly textured scrub.
Do you have any tips for Tracey on how to keep her scrubs from separating? If so, please share them with us in the comments below.
Lynne posted the following tip on our Facebook Fan Page:
body in the oils. Just add a lipid that wants to be hard at room
temperature and you will one that is easier to ship also.
Thanks for all of the great tips, everyone!
I find that my emulsified scrubs sometimes will separate, so I remedy the problem by adding (more) cocoa butter, sugar, stearic acid, beeswax or any of the above!
We added emulsifiers to our scrub formulas. Not only does it help with the separating, it also helps lessen the ‘oil slick’ effect in the tub afterward. We personally found a blend of emulsifying wax and polysorbate to produce the best results for us, but it definitely takes some playing with.
Thanks for the tips, ladies! Your insight should be of great help to other folks formulating scrub recipes.
i am trying my hand at making homemade salt scrubs and bath salts for soaks, id like to try the emulsifier in my scrubs.. however id like it to still be translucent in color but with a more stable texture. I am using almond oil and essential oils only for my current recipe? any advise will be greatly appreciated also will the salt preserve the scrub or do i need to add a preservative?