Nothing beats a really great massage. The right touch can help your muscles to relax, your circulation to flow more freely, and your emotional state to calm and settle. While the skill of the massouse is probably the most important factor in administering a better than usual massage, your choice in massage products comes in a close second. Natural ingredients are best for creating massage oil blends, salt glow scrubs, and exfoliating ubtans. These are some of our very favorite ingredients – perfect for giving unforgettable massages.
Argan Oil
The natural anti-inflammatory properties of Argan Oil make it an excellent ingredient for massage. Argan Oil can help reduce pain and swelling, easing and soothing sore muscles and stiff joints. Use Argan as-is as an intensive care massage oil, or mix it with other ingredients to create massage oil blends and massage bars.
Ginger CO2 Extract
Ginger is naturally warming and stimulating which can help increase blood circulation and induce relaxation. Ginger CO2 Extract can be added to massage oils, bars, and scrubs to aid in relieving soreness and stiffness. The scent of Ginger is also known to have invigorating qualities.
Chickpea Flour
Finely ground chickpeas are combined with almond meal and crushed rose petals to create traditional Indian ubtans. These gentle exfoliants are usually mixed with milk or yogurt, applied as a body mask, then gently massaged away creating an extraordinarily luxurious massage treatment.
Organic Apricot Kernel OilThe light, pleasant texture of Organic Apricot Kernel Oil makes it a wonderful base for massage oil blends and recipes. This non-greasy Oil is highly moisturizing, and does a great job of carrying Essential Oils, lubricating salt glow scrubs, or being used as-is for everyday massage.
Black Pepper Essential Oil
Another excellent ingredient for stimulating circulation, Black Pepper Essential Oil can help reduce pain, alleviate stiffness, and encourage blood flow. Black Pepper Essential Oil may even help reduce pain caused by sprains, sciatica, and arthritis. It can be added to massage oils or solid oil bars for use in massage.
Dead Sea Salt
The perfect exfoliant for salt glow massage scrubs, Dead Sea Salt contains a bounty of natural minerals that are believed to possess healing properties suitable for massage. Mineral rich Dead Sea Salt can be used to increase circulation, reduce swelling, and exfoliate dry, dull skin. Add it to solid massage bar scrubs or to traditional salt glow massage scrubs to make use of its precious minerals.
Organic Arnica Oil
Arnica Extract is a potent anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing ingredient that can do wonders in massage blends and recipes. In our Organic Arnica Oil the extract is carried in Sunflower Oil, making it easy to use in massage oils or in other recipes. Organic Arnica Oil can help ease pain, soothe sore muscles, and even speed the recovery of bruises.
Chamomile Essential Oil
Chamomile is often used as a sedative in aromatherapy. The soothing qualities of Chamomile Essential Oil make it a great addition to relaxing massage oil blends and recipes. It could even be used in a diffuser during massage sessions to promote a sense of quiet and peace.
What are your favorite natural ingredients for massage?
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