Though the name of this month’s scrub doesn’t sound very unisex, the mellow aroma can actually be quite enjoyable to both men and women. Vanilla and Patchouli aren’t the most common pair, but if you ask me they compliment each other quite well. To make this scrub feel especially soft and mellow we’ve used a Fine Dead Sea Salt and… Continue Reading Patchouli Cupcake Body Polish
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “marigold” is the sweet little, oddly scented flower that lined my grandfather’s gardens as a child. Back then I had no idea what an important part these little sunset colored flowers played in the garden. Later, my love for gardening lead me to stumble upon the true purpose… Continue Reading Calendula
Try Organic Patchouli Essential Oil at!
Patchouli Essential Oil is one of my personal favorite ingredients. While I adore the woody, earthy aroma of Patchouli at full strength, most people prefer Patchouli when it is blended with other aromatic oils and extracts. Citrus and Patchouli form a very popular combination. Topping that blend with Lavender, Cypress, or Pine, creates a vibrant, bold, and energizing combination that… Continue Reading Try Organic Patchouli Essential Oil at!
The Seasonal Spa
Most people will agree that fresh is best when it comes to the nutrition of our food. This reason, among others, has inspired a growing number of people to begin eating locally. This means that they are purchasing as much produce as possible from local farms and growers. Not only are farm fresh fruits and vegetables tasty and nutritious, when… Continue Reading The Seasonal Spa
Coco-Lime Bath Cookies
In celebration of Cinco de Mayo The Natural Beauty Workshop has put together a special bath tub recipe. Inspired by the traditional baked good, Mexican Wedding Cookies, the following recipe will add a delightful, fizzy twist to your next bath. This all natural recipe is full of skin loving ingredients. Rice Bran Powder is known to help soother and balance… Continue Reading Coco-Lime Bath Cookies