Last Wednesday we held another Employee Workshop at I love getting together with the my co-workers to share a little quality time, knowledge, and fun. We have a few new faces in our office; Colleen, Alicia, and Marie. This was a great chance for us all to get to know each other better while everyone learned a little more… Continue Reading Cooking With The Ladies (and One Small Gentleman)
Rose Petal Powder
Besides being beautiful, fragrant, and an international symbol of love, what are Roses really good for? Actually, quite a bit! Roses have been an integral part of skin care throughout history. Rose water or Rose Hydrosol is probably the most famously used ingredient, but petals and oil have played important roles as well. Rose Essential Oil is still one of… Continue Reading Rose Petal Powder
All Natural Jeanie
Jean Lozada has always loved lotions and perfumes. She even has described herself as a “product junkie”, but after having allergic reactions to commercial products she became a faithful label reader, and began to have doubts about the many products that she loved so dearly. These doubts inspired Jean to begin researching herbs, essential oils, and other natural alternatives. She… Continue Reading All Natural Jeanie
While we are on the subject of flowers, I thought it would be a nice time to discuss one of the most popular flowers used in natural skin care and aromatherapy. Chamomile comes in many different varieties. The two most commonly used in this field are German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), and Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis). Both species of Chamomile are… Continue Reading Chamomile
Hibiscus Petal Powder
When I was a little girl my parents took a long overdue honeymoon to Maui. They spent a week hiking, scuba diving, and exploring the beautiful Hawaiian island. When they came back home, they brought back a pile of souvenirs for my sisters and I. We each received a hula dress, a wooden necklace, and postcards. My favorite gift of… Continue Reading Hibiscus Petal Powder