No matter your size or shape, there is nothing more striking than the natural glow of health. It can be found in the gleaming halo of youth, the soft glow of a mother-to-be, and the shine in a truly beautiful person. We often refer to the whole body approach when it comes to health and medicine, but when it comes to beauty and skin care we tend to forget the rest of the body. Fixated on one small piece of our selves, we reach for potions and serums, when we could be reaching for fruits and vegetables.
My skin has always been a challenge for me. As a child I burnt. As a teen I battled with acne. As an adult my skin entered yet another stage – a dry, flaky, sensitive stage. I developed customized cleansers, moisturizers, and treatments to deal with my problematic skin, but I never felt like I was really winning the fight. My skin would have good days, and it would have bad days. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, my skin would often revert to being red, uneven, and dull.
It wasn’t until I changed my diet that my skin really and truly changed for the better. With whole body health in mind (never thinking of my skin or hair) I began to incorporate whole grains, vegetables, and raw food into my diet. I also began eliminating things like starch, junk food, corn syrup, and alcohol. As my body adjusted to the changes I found myself feeling better, and to my surprise, looking better! My skin was clear, bright, and calm for the first time in my life.
The change was as welcome as it was striking. Nowadays, my face is clear aside from the occasional stray pimple. It is hardly
ever red or inflamed, (unless I am in direct contact with an allergen) and the chronic dryness that I used to experience can now be tamed with a little Shea Butter or Rosehip Oil. I’ve continued my skin care routine, and I wish that I could assign full responsibility for the change to my personalized formulas. However, I know that the true hero in this story was the change in my lifestyle.
Sometimes I miss things like cola, white bread, and coconut
flavored rum, but I don’t think any of those things can compare with the
feeling of finally being comfortable in my own skin.
My experience is unique, and while the diet I chose was the best one for me, it may not be the best one for you. If you are interested in changing your diet, I recommend consulting a professional dietitian or nutritionist. These experts can help you target your dietary needs and sensitivities, evaluate your goals, and help you avoid creating nutritional gaps. Making this change with the aid of an expert can greatly increase your success.
For some wonderful recipes and healthful cooking inspirations I’d
like to invite you to check out some of my favorite “foodie” blogs.
Vegan Yum Yum – Lolo shares delicious and unique recipes and advice on vegan cooking.
What the Hell Does a Vegan Eat Anyway? – A cheeky title to a mouth-watering, recipe-packed food blog.
The Whole Gourmet Natural Cooking Blog – Healthful recipes for the meat eater and vegan alike.
A Veggie Venture – Vegetable inspiration from asparagus to zucchini.
It is amazing how much your diet can effect your body. At one point last year I was breaking out all over, may face, my back and even my chest, because of the processed food I was eating. The little things I took for lunch were reaking havoc on my skin and my fingernails. I have changed what I take for lunch at work and even the soap I use on my skin and have had dramatic changes. Though I have not cut out the “bad” things entirely from my diet I have found that moderation is best in any situation. I don’t miss the cola and potatoe chips, my children find it a special treat when I let them have any soda or junk food. I think that the more natural your diet, and any other product you use on your body, the better off you are.
I’m glad to hear that you had a similar experience to mine. Moderation certainly is a big key to success! While I try to stick to my plan as much as possible, I do treat myself occasionally. For instance, I can’t resist movie theater popcorn. Luckily, I only go to the movie theater once in a great while, keeping my butter flavor addiction in check!